The Preference of Healthcare Smart Home System - Focusing on Senior and Pro-Senior -

헬스케어 스마트홈 시스템 선호도에 관한 연구 - 고령자와 고령자 진입층을 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2012.03.01
  • Published : 2012.05.25


The healthcare smart home technology has been receiving lots of attention over the past few years. Even though it has deeply related with physical environment people have lived in, effort and concern for healthcare smart home has been insufficient. Especially, in terms of aged society, this healthcare smart home will be indispensable because it could reduce medical expenses for elderly people and make their life more and safety convenient. For these reasons, as the fundamental research about "Aging friendly smart home based on healthcare". The purpose of the study is to research the essential healthcare smart systems targeting senior and pro-senior and to find a way how to apply these new technologies for built environment. This research identified, through empirical research including literature study, interview and field study, healthcare smart home system. In addition by conducting a survey, it examined that there was striking contrast between preference's difference of senior and pro-senior to healthcare smart home system. From these research method, we realize the fact that the demand on safety and security is the highest. They need a diversity of system, depending on subject's age such as Senior and pro-senior. The result of this study can be used to create design guidelines for aging friendly smear home based on healthcare.



Supported by : 국토해양부


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