The Effects of Automatically Controled Slat-Type Blind to Reflect Optimum Control Strategies which are Reducing Discomfort-Glare and Improving Energy Performance

현휘와 에너지성능을 통합 고려한 슬랫형 블라인드의 최적제어 효과에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2012.03.01
  • Published : 2012.05.25


Solar control system is absolutely essential to improve building energy efficiency under the Korean climatic condition which has distinct cooling and heating period. Glass envelope, through which solar heat gain can take place in building, however, is not easy to control. Therefore auxiliary shading devices are necessary to achieve the solar control. Therefore, it is very important to perform research on the high performance shading devices for improving the building energy efficiency because glass envelope is difficult to achieve solar control. According to the advanced research, it is not controled by occupants and is always in the downward position. For solve those problems, the advanced research already have suggested the automated control system of slat-type blind considering visual comport for removing the discomfort glare at window surface and reduction of building energy consumption. As a result, this optimum controled slat-type blind reduced 29.2% energy consumption compared with base case and perfectly removed discomfort glare. Based on this results came up with survey and advanced evaluation, this study purposes to confirm the performance of automated control system of slat-type blind by comparing with 6 alternatives of roll-shade blind classified depending on the visual and solar transmittance. Consequently, this optimum controled slat-type blind reduced energy consumption compared with other roll-shade alternatives and perfectly removed discomfort glare.



Supported by : 교육과학기술부


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