남북한 수산제도의 비교연구

A Comparative Study on Fisheries System between South Korea and North Korea

  • 투고 : 2012.03.05
  • 심사 : 2012.04.05
  • 발행 : 2012.04.30


For establishment of post-Unification fisheries program, this research has opened a fisheries Act system for South and North Korea and searched a policy direction to make new Fisheries Act for future South and North Korean fisheries program. In addition, North Korea's present fishery industry must be accurately understood and acknowledge in its point of issues in order to develop and improve to rational direction and to overcome the present South and North's fishery industry. As a level to prepare for future unification, reform and reaction of long-termed and well organized South and North's fisheries program must be arranged. Consequently, fishing permits of South and North, licensing system, fisheries resource management system, fisheries adjustment system, foreign fishing regulations system will be compared in this research, and also find an improvement on North Korea's fisheries related act in preparation of future unification.



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