저부하형 개발을 위한 화단형 빗물침투시설 적용방안 - 생태전원마을에서의 적용을 중심으로 -

Application of the Flowerbed Type Infiltration System for Low Impact Development - Focus on the Application to Eco-Village -

  • 한영해 (에코아르케 생태도시건축연구소) ;
  • 이태구 (세명대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 투고 : 2012.04.23
  • 심사 : 2012.06.08
  • 발행 : 2012.06.30


Since 2000 country region developmental policy has been to integrate not only the improvement of physical living environment but also various subjects on ecology, environment, scenery, local culture, and green tourism. This study has recently established a decentralized Rainwater Management plan in order to provide an hydrology cycle system to the eco-village being planned by Seocheon-gun as a part of the garden village development business promoted by the ministry of agriculture and forestry. Hydraulic conductivity of the subject area is measured at $10^{-7}{\sim}10^{-10}m/sec$, and a flowerbed-type rainwater Infiltration system capable of controlling a non-point pollution source that stems from the development-caused impermeable surface has been applied. In the case of rainwater flowing out from the main entrance way and parking lot within the complex being treated in the flowerbed-type rainwater infiltration system, natural purification effects via soil and plants as well as natural water cycling effects through evaportranspiration and infiltration are expected. The significance of this study, compared to conventional decentralized rainwater management being applied limited to the urban areas, is that it offers appropriate rainwater management planning based on the analysis of the current situation of the subject area. Decentralized Rainwater Management is a valuable measure both economically and ecologically that reduces the burdens on local underground water cultivation as well as rain water pipe lines or purification systems, and sewage pipes.



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