A Study on the Tracking Method for Solar Module to Derive Optimum Performance

최적 발전성능 도출을 위한 태양광모듈 추적방법에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2011.12.01
  • Accepted : 2012.02.24
  • Published : 2012.02.29


The photovoltaic is one of the most important sustainable technologies appliable to architectures. The power performance mainly depends on the installation conditions of them. This study aims to evaluate the power performance of photovoltaic system by the installation conditions, the tracking methods and reflecting mirrors. For the study, the Solar Pro computer simulations have been conducted on installation angles, solar azimuth and solar altitude. Also, the field mock-up tests are performed to of its application to verify the simulation results. Both the results of the experiment and the simulation have proved that the efficiency of 90-degree fixed angle method was higher than that of 30-degree fixed angle, the efficiency of altitude tracking was better than that of azimuth tracking method, and changing both the altitude and the azimuth together is more efficient rather than the shortened tracing way. In addition, the light-concentrating method in which the incidence angle of the sun is controlled by an adhered reflector has been analyzed to have better efficiency than the general method of tracing according to the orbit of the sun. Therefore, this thesis is expected to offer the basic data to set a more effective tracing-type of photovoltaic power generation system in the future. For this, more researches are to be conducted hereafter on a high efficiency drive motor and the establishment of an economic system.



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