Reduced Order Luenberger State Observer Design for Lateral Direction Approach Control of Aircraft

항공기의 횡방향 접근 제어를 위한 축소차수 상태관측기 설계

  • Received : 2012.04.30
  • Accepted : 2012.05.15
  • Published : 2012.06.30


The availability of the GPS signal has been expanded greatly in the field of society overall through the development and construction of the GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System). Furthermore, in the military, aviation and field of space, the GPS signal is applied widely through the combination of INS consisting of gyroscope and accelerometer, IMU, AHRS with the addition of magnetic sensor. Particularly, the performance of these equipments or sensors is very important with GPS and PAR(Precision Approach Radar) in the flight control of the aircraft. This paper deals with MATLAB simulation and ROLSO(Reduced Order Luenberger State Observer) design to reduce the load of system and realize the stable lateral direction approach control in an appropriate time for reduction of the horizontal error which is importantly considered while an aircraft lands instead of the FOLSO(Full Order Luenberger State Observer) using all measurement values. Consequently, ROLSO is expected to be used for the aircraft's attitude control in the aircraft landing causing the burden to the pilots.



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