A Study on the Effect of Gallotannin Treatment of Ceramide-containing Fibers on Atopic Skin Diseases

세라마이드 함유 섬유의 복합갈로탄닌 처리에 의한 아토피성 피부질환 완화작용에 대한 연구

  • Received : 2013.11.05
  • Accepted : 2013.12.13
  • Published : 2013.12.27


In order to investigate the effect of gallotannin treatment to ceramide-containing fabrics on atopic skin diseases, the agglomeration of standard protein BSA and the deactivation of model enzyme were examined. The gallotannin treated on ceramide-containing fabrics precipitated the standard protein, BSA, and therefore deactivated the model enzyme by 70% at 6% treatment concentration. Wash durability should be improved after around 5 cycles of washing. Clinical test of the gallotannin-treated fabrics was carried out on mice for two test items, transepidermal water loss assay and severity score of diseased skin of mice. The results showed significant level of improvement of atopic skin diseases compared with the negative controled.



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