A Case Study on Engineering Education using Intuition and Verbal Repetition

직관과 구술반복을 활용한 공학교육 사례 연구

  • Ma, Jeong Beom (School of Mechanical Engineering, Dongyang Mirae University)
  • 마정범 (동양미래대학교 기계공학부)
  • Received : 2013.04.09
  • Accepted : 2013.07.05
  • Published : 2013.07.31


Applying intuitive learning method on engineering education, especially for the mechanical engineering, is hardly found from the previous case studies and is not easily proved its beneficial verification. Verbal repetition is also rarely used to investigate its positive effects on educational methodology for both science and engineering disciplines. To prove the education effects of these two methods; we used intuitive thinking time period at the beginning of each lecture and let students repeat the concepts and the equations verbally. These two methods were related to the subjects of each lecture, and were used for students to try to draw engineering thinking from natural phenomena that they could easily experience in daily life. The methods could help them to memorize theoretical ideas. We investigated the effects of intuition and verbal repetition methods by comparing the scores of final exam with those of midterm exam. The results revealed significant improvement; 77.6% of the students achieved higher score in their final exam compared to midterm exam. We plan to investigate qualitative contributions of intuition and verbal repetition methods to the students' achievement for the further research.



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