Easy production techniques for clear pear juice and its antioxidant activities of 'Chuwhangbae' pear

추황배 청징배즙의 제조 및 항산화 활성

  • Choi, Jin-Ho (Pear Research Station, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science) ;
  • Yim, Sun-Hee (Pear Research Station, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science) ;
  • Choi, Jang-Jeon (Pear Research Station, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science) ;
  • Kim, Sung-Jong (Pear Research Station, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science) ;
  • Nam, Seung-Hee (Food Research Institute, Jeonnam Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Kang, Sam Seok (Pear Research Station, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science) ;
  • Kim, Yoon Kyeong (Pear Research Station, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science) ;
  • Lee, Han Chan (Pear Research Station, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science)
  • 최진호 (국립원예특작과학원 배시험장) ;
  • 임순희 (국립원예특작과학원 배시험장) ;
  • 최장전 (국립원예특작과학원 배시험장) ;
  • 김성종 (국립원예특작과학원 배시험장) ;
  • 남승희 (전남농업기술원 식품연구소) ;
  • 강삼석 (국립원예특작과학원 배시험장) ;
  • 김윤경 (국립원예특작과학원 배시험장) ;
  • 이한찬 (국립원예특작과학원 배시험장)
  • Received : 2013.06.12
  • Accepted : 2013.08.26
  • Published : 2013.10.30


This study was carried out to optimize the filtration, clarification, anti-browning processing conditions of clear pear juice and to investigate changes in antioxidant activity of pear juice produced through different heating treatment. For the filtration with cheese cloth, filter paper, or centrifugation (10 min at 3,000 rpm), the pear juice was most efficiently filtered with centrifugation because it showed the highest lightness (L value) and lowest yellowness (a value). Among various clarifying agents, 1% of gelatin or bentonite clarified effectively pear juice but tannin or egg albumin did not. Among anti-browning agents (0.1%) like L-ascorbic acid, NaCl or citric acid, L-ascorbic acid prevented the browning of pear juice with the lowest browning index value (2.62), compared to that of NaCl (2.74), or citric acid (2.87). Fructose, sucrose, glucose and sorbitol were present in the pear juice, the fructose and glucose contents increased but that of sucrose decreased in the heated pear juice. The total polyphenol content of the heated pear juice significantly increase, and did the total flavonoid contents in the clear and heated pear juice. The DPPH radical scavenging activity and nitrate scavenging activity were higher in the clear and heated pear juice than in the fruit crush.

본 연구는 배 과즙의 가공조건을 최적화하기 위해 여과, 청징 및 갈변 방지 방법 및 가공 조건에 따른 항산화능을 조사하였다. 배를 분쇄 착즙 후 면포여과, 감압여과 및 원심분리를 실시한 결과 원심분리(3000 rpm, 10분간)를 할 경우 colorimetry value가 높은 'L'값(34.31)과, 낮은 'a'값(-0.13)을 보여 가장 좋은 청징 효과를 나타냈으며, 그 다음으로 감압여과(31.8%) 및 면포여과(11.0%) 순이었다. 청징제 종류에 따른 청징 효과는 1%의 gelatin이나 bentonite가 우수하였으며, tannin과 egg albumin은 효과가 없었다. 갈변저해제 처리에 따른 갈색도 측정결과 0.1% L-ascorbic acid 처리 시 11.5%의 갈변억제 효과를 보였다. 유리당은 fructose, sucrose, glucose, sorbitol이 검출되었으며, 가열배즙에서 fructose와 glucose는 증가되는 반면 sucrose는 감소되었다. 가공 조건에 따른 항산화능 조사 결과 총폴리페놀 함량은 가열배즙이 청징배즙에 비해 유의하게 많아졌으나 총플라보노이드 함량은 청징배즙과 가열배즙이 유사하게 증가하였다. DPPH radical 소거활성과 아질산염 소거능은 가열배즙과 청징배즙에서 착즙액보다 유의적으로 높은 것을 확인할 수 있었다.



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