Warning Signal for Limit Cycle Flutter of 2D Airfoil with Pitch Nonlinearity by Critical Slowing Down

비틀림 비선형성을 갖는 2차원 익형의 Critical Slowing Down 을 이용한 Limit Cycle Flutter 예측 인자

  • Received : 2013.11.13
  • Accepted : 2013.12.18
  • Published : 2013.12.31


In this paper, limit cycle flutter induced by Hopf bifurcation is studied with nonlinear system analysis approach and observed for the critical slowing down phenomenon. Considering an attractor of the dynamics of a system, when a small perturbation is applied to the system, the dynamics converge toward the attractor at some rate. The critical slowing down means that this recovery rate approaches zero as a parameter of the system varies and the size of the basin of attraction shrinks to nil. Consequently, in the pre-bifurcation regime, the recovery rates decrease as the system approaches the bifurcation. This phenomenon is one of the features used to forecast bifurcation before they actually occur. Therefore, studying the critical slowing down for limit cycle flutter behavior would have potential applicability for forecasting those types of flutter. Herein, modeling and nonlinear system analysis of the 2D airfoil with torsional nonlinearity have been discussed, followed by observation of the critical slowing down phenomenon.



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