A Study on the Analysis and Improvement of Space Environment Design in the Rural Experience Area - Focus on the Space Marketing Perspective -

농촌 체험장의 공간환경디자인 현황분석 및 개선방안에 관한 연구 - 스페이스 마케팅 관점을 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2013.01.31
  • Published : 2013.11.25


In recent years, agricultural exchanges are emphasizing, even this is a basically highlight revitalizing of rural community. Adjusting to these perceptions, central government-wide farming and fishing experience village business has been carried forwarded to nine projects in 5 departments since the early 2000s. Due to standardized construction and in-discriminative programs, people do a similar sightseeing, so this is a problem that there is redundancy, inefficiency in continually being raised. At the present time, this study, rural experience village experience intraday Gangwon Province the five-spot and, in terms of the space environment design space marketing perspective and usage analysis, based on improvements sought. First, the great rural experience should be planned that the unique characteristics are associating with the space environment in terms of area the space marketing strategies. This is perceived as differentiated experience through visit the rural experience village by consumers and furthermore induces a lasting relationship for exchange. Second, it is required to research and develop about resting function as a local Exchange areas, information, and area solidarity feature. This will make consistent relationship for communication happened by arousing expectation and curiosity about the space by consumers.



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