주거단지 내 아동의 활동적 이동에 근거한 가로공간 특성 연구 - 은평뉴타운 내 초등학생을 대상으로 한 사례연구를 중심으로 -

Characteristics of the Street in Housing Complex based on Children's Active Transportation - A Case Study of Eunpyeong Newtown with Primary School Students -

  • 투고 : 2013.08.01
  • 발행 : 2013.11.25


This research aims to understand children's active transportation and to draw the Characteristics of the street on which it occurs practically. The 135 students, fifth- and sixth-graders in Eunpyeong Newtown, participated in the research using the mapping method with the daily diagram and the open-ended questionnaire. The findings of the research are as follows: first, 'walking with friend(s)' and 'biking' are main transportation behaviors of children. And it's easily recognized by children whether or not the width of pedestrian passage is suitable for the activity. Second, most used streets as main paths imply the characteristics increasing active transportation on the streets, such as 'the high accessibility to daily destinations', 'the high accessibility of play areas and the network of various play areas', 'the elements providing the joy during the route', 'the wide width of pedestrian passage suitable for the activity', and 'the psychological security by the use of people'. Third, there are also negative elements restricting children's walking and riding bicycle, which are needed for improvements, such as 'the dangerousness of connected parts of streets', 'the dangerousness caused by the vehicles in the street', 'the narrow width of the pedestrian', 'the slope of the street', and 'the lack of resting areas', 'the fear by the absence of people'.



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