A Basic Study on 'Visitor Service Area' in a Korea Museum

한국 뮤지엄에 있어서의 관람객 편의영역에 대한 기초적 연구 - 국.공립 뮤지엄을 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2013.08.22
  • Published : 2013.11.25


In the past, the exhibition and collection storage was only considered importantly in a museum. But nowadays a museum is important not only for the exhibition and collection storage but also for visitor service, education, curatorial etc. The purpose of this study is to analyze 'visitor service area' in the Korea Museum. Area means a set of similar function spaces. Areas in a museum are largely divided into 8 parts; exhibition, visitor service, collection storage, education, administration, curatorial, technical support and workshop. In previous studies, visitor service area consists of lobby, ticket office, information office, reference corner, cloak room, restaurant, lounge and museum shop etc. We study visitor service area currently consists of spaces in Korea museum. We find out the relationship between visitor service area and the other areas in the museum. And we study the pattern of space organization which are needed in spaces of visitor service area of the museum in the Korea.



Supported by : 한서대학교


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