지역농산물의 구매행태 및 의향 분석에 따른 지역 내 소비활성화 방향

Strategies for Regional Consumption Revitalization of Local Food by Analysis on Purchasing Behavior and Intention

  • 투고 : 2013.11.17
  • 심사 : 2013.12.13
  • 발행 : 2013.12.31


The Purpose of this paper is to analysis on consumer's purchasing behavior and intention of local food. To analysis consumer's purchasing behavior, a series of homemaker surveys were conducted. The sample size of the survey is 416 respectively. As a survey result, consumer's purchasing behavior shows that purchasing ratio of local food and buying place is various type. By decision tree model analysis showed that consumer's purchasing intention is enough to establishing local food system in region. Therefore, strategies for regional consumption are needed expression of the place city and county of origin, diversification of purchasing item and buying area, and sustainable improvement for safety and trust on local food.



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