작업공구와 근골격계질환이 노동생산성에 미치는 영향 분석 - 근골격계질환의 매개효과를 중심으로 -

Effects of Work Tools and Musculoskeletal Disorders on Labor Productivity - The Mediating Effects of Musculoskeletal Disorders -

  • 곽동진 (한양대학교 대학원 건축환경공학과) ;
  • 박정로 (한양대학교 대학원 건축환경공학과) ;
  • 김주형 (한양대학교 건축공학부) ;
  • 김재준 (한양대학교 건축공학부)
  • 발행 : 2013.01.25


Given the characteristics of construction work, which is highly dependent on labor compared to other industries, management of labor productivity is closely related with the construction industry. Therefore, it has become more important than ever to boost productivity in construction projects. The present study used a survey of form workers to conduct correlation analysis between factors of working tools, musculoskeletal disorders, and labor productivity. In addition, using structural equation modeling and the Sobel model, the study verified the mediating effects of musculoskeletal disorders. The findings of the analysis showed that friction sawing cutters are related with waist/back musculoskeletal disorders. In the relation between working tools and labor productivity, the hammer showed a strong positive relationship with Productivity1, standing out as the tool with the highest correlation. In the relation between musculoskeletal disorders and labor, hands/wrists showed a significant correlation with Productivity 1. The test result on the mediating effects of musculoskeletal disorders derived a statistically significant value, at Z=1.215 (p<0.05), suggesting that musculoskeletal disorders have mediating effects in the relation between working tools and labor productivity. Through this study, we identified relationships among factors related to labor productivity in construction sites; the findings of this study could be used as basic data regarding factors adversely affecting labor productivity, as well as to determine how to improve labor productivity strategically.



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