기후요소 및 심리적 반응에 따른 고층건물 작업자 관리를 위한 기초연구 - 부산지역 기후 중심으로 -

A Fundamental Study on High-rise Building Worker Management Related to Climate Elements and Psychological Responses - Concentrated on Busan Province Climate Condition -

  • 발행 : 2013.03.25


This is a fundamental study for the physiological and psychological responses of construction workers by climate elements change on the unfamiliar high-rise building job conditions. This study is based on the hypothesis that the construction workers, especially steel workers and towercrane operators, should experience more difficulties doing their job on high-rise building job conditions than doing on general building job conditions related to the climate, physiological and psychological elements. This study focuses on the analysis of former literature and research related to the high-rise building and climate to establish the frame of the further research. The study tried to find out major climate elements, construction tasks, and anticipated physiological and psychological symptoms that may have critical effects on the workers of high-rise building. This study is anticipated to provide basic data-based processing the research on safety management for high-rise building construction workers.



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