The Characteristics of Urban Heat Island Mitigation Measures in U.S Municipalities

미국 지방자치단체 도시열섬완화 대책의 계획적 특성

  • Published : 2013.04.25


The purpose of this study was to offer the fundamental information and direction of countermeasures associated with Urban Heat Island(UHI) mitigation for domestic municipalities. To do this, UHI countermeasures for U.S. municipalities were analyzed. Through literature analysis, Implementation Status, the kinds and types of measures, and the characteristics of mitigations strategy in policy were analyzed. The main findings are as follows. First, It is important to pay attention to the correlation between the causes diagnosis and mitigation strategies before the establishment of the UHI mitigation measures. 117 measures for UHI mitigation have been completed or are in progress at 69 municipalities. The types of mitigation measures could be distinguished as follows : Project type, legislation type, planning type, comprehensive measures type, resolutions type. The business and legislation type are accounted for 86% of the total type. Third, 15 different means are utilized to mitigate the UHI. The seven of them accounted for 80%. They are as follows: Demonstration project, urban forestry program, tree and landscape ordinances, outreach and education programs, incentives, green building programs and standards, comprehensive planning and design guidelines. Fourth, Volunteer means has been used more than policy means. Tree and vegetation strategy has been used most frequently.



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