건축가 연합디자인에 나타난 파사드 포셰 연구 - 분당전람회주택, 파주출판단지, 헤이리아트밸리를 중심으로 -

A Study of Facade-Poche in Architects' Collective Design - Focused on Bundang Exhibition House, Paju Bookcity, and Heiry Art Valley -

  • 발행 : 2013.07.25


This research is the study of the development of In-between space in Architects' collective design since 1990s. Three examples such as Bundang Exhibition House, Paju bookcity, and Heiry Art Valley, will be analyzed in terms of the development of design guidelines and the site survey of built environments. In doing so, an architectural design element named as "facade-poche" will be introduced. A facade-poche designated the surface and space around the building facade. It would be overhead weather protection in general. Three examples of collective design will be analyzed with the element of facade-poche. Together, design guidelines of each design will be scrutinized in order to propose and alternative guideline and the form of facade-poche.



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