A Study on the Characteristics of the Energy Performance in Curtain Wall Building - Focused on the Glazing Type, Window to Wall Ratio and Internal Gains -

커튼월 건물의 에너지 성능 특성에 관한 연구 - 창유리 성능과 창면적비 그리고 실내 발열량을 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2013.07.25


Most of the newly built office buildings contains curtain wall structures with a high window-to-wall ratio, which raise concerns over the excessive energy consumption due to the glass with a relatively high heat transmission coefficient. However, when an office building has high insulation performance as high as the walls of residential buildings due to larger cooling load compared to heating load and the high heating value generated within the building, the reduction of conductive heat loss can cause an increase in energy demand. Therefore, in this study, fundamental research on the characteristics of energy performance based on the conditions of glazing performance, window area ratio and internal heat generation when planning office buildings, was carried out and the results are as follows. An increase in internal heating value caused slight decrease in heating energy while increasing significantly cooling energy demand. Also, low heat transmission coefficient of glazing reduced conductive heat loss, increasing the energy demand. As window area ratio decreased at SHGC greater than 0.3, the energy demand was also reduced. In the future, reasonable standards for the glazing performance (U-factor, SHGC, VLT) to reduce the energy consumption in office buildings are to be derived through the analysis of the energy demands based on more diverse building sizes, and also, using the standards, glazing design guidelines to afford appropriate selection of glazing in the planning stages of buildings should be developed.



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