인천광역시 유통 농산물의 최근 3년간의 잔류농약 실태 및 안전성 조사

A Survey on the Pesticide Residues and Risk Assessment for Agricultural Products on the Markets in Incheon Area from 2010 to 2012

  • 김혜영 (인천광역시 보건환경연구원 농산물검사소) ;
  • 이수연 (인천광역시 보건환경연구원 농산물검사소) ;
  • 김철기 (인천광역시 보건환경연구원 농산물검사소) ;
  • 최은정 (인천광역시 보건환경연구원 농산물검사소) ;
  • 이은주 (인천광역시 보건환경연구원 농산물검사소) ;
  • 조남규 (인천광역시 보건환경연구원 농산물검사소) ;
  • 이제만 (인천광역시 보건환경연구원 농산물검사소) ;
  • 김용희 (인천광역시 보건환경연구원 농산물검사소)
  • Kim, Hye-Young (Department of Agricultural Products Inspection, Incheon Institute of Public Health and Environment Research) ;
  • Lee, Soo-Yeon (Department of Agricultural Products Inspection, Incheon Institute of Public Health and Environment Research) ;
  • Kim, Cheol-Gi (Department of Agricultural Products Inspection, Incheon Institute of Public Health and Environment Research) ;
  • Choi, Eun-Jeong (Department of Agricultural Products Inspection, Incheon Institute of Public Health and Environment Research) ;
  • Lee, Eun-Ju (Department of Agricultural Products Inspection, Incheon Institute of Public Health and Environment Research) ;
  • Jo, Nam-Gyu (Department of Agricultural Products Inspection, Incheon Institute of Public Health and Environment Research) ;
  • Lee, Jea-Man (Department of Agricultural Products Inspection, Incheon Institute of Public Health and Environment Research) ;
  • Kim, Yong-Hee (Department of Agricultural Products Inspection, Incheon Institute of Public Health and Environment Research)
  • 투고 : 2013.01.23
  • 심사 : 2013.02.27
  • 발행 : 2013.03.31


2010년부터 2012년까지 인천광역시에서 유통되고 있는 농산물 총 16,025 건에 대한 잔류농약검사를 실시한 결과 부적합률은 1.2%, 0.8%, 0.7%로 약간의 감소 추세를 보였다. 최근 3년간 부적합이 이력이 높은 농약은 endosulfan, chlorpyrifos, diazinon, lufenuron, chlorothalonil, flutolanil, procymidone, ethoprophos 순이었으며, 전체농산물 중 엽채류가 75% 이상을 차지하였고, 엽채류 중에서 취나물, 들깻잎, 쑥갓이 전체의 35%를 차지하였다. 지역별로는 경기, 인천, 충남, 전남에서 생산된 농산물에서 부적합 빈도가 높으나 지역별 출하 농산물의 검사건수 대비 부적합률은 모두 1% 내외로 큰 차이는 없었다. 특히 인천의 경우, 농산물의 부적합률이 매년 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 부적합이 자주 발생하는 10 종의 농약 모두에서 1인1일 농약섭취량 대비 1일 추정섭취량은 무와 파를 제외하고 3% 미만으로 인체에 대한 위해성은 낮은 것으로 평가되었다.

BACKGROUND: This survey was done to investigate the pesticide residues and to assess their risk on agricultural products on the Markets in Incheon from 2010 to 2012. METHODS AND RESULTS: The total number of samples were 16,025 for agricultural products and these were analyzed by multi-residue method using GC-ECD/NPD, GC-MS, LC-MS/MS and HPLC-PDA/FLD. The violation rates of the samples over maximum residue limits(MRLs) of pesticide residues established by Korean Food and Drug Administration in the survey of 2010, 2011 and 2012 were 1.2%, 0.8% and 0.7%, respectively. CONCLUSION(S): Of the total violated samples, more than 75% of the rates were recorded from the samples of leafy vegetables. Most commonly encountered agricultural commodities over MRLs were Chwinamul, perilla leaves and crown daisy. The pesticides detected yearly over MRLs during three years were endosulfan, chlorpyrifos, diazinon, lufenuron, chlorothalonil, flutolanil, procymidone, ethoprophos. Estimated daily intakes compared to acceptable daily intakes, except radish and Welsh onion, is estimated less harm on human in 10 kinds of pesticides which frequently occurred violation.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Monitoring of Pesticide Residues and Risk Assessment in Some Fruits on the Market in Incheon, Korea vol.33, pp.2, 2014,
  2. Removal of Pesticide Residues in Field-sprayed Leafy Vegetables by Different Washing Method vol.17, pp.4, 2013,
  3. Monitoring of Pesticide Residues in Vegetables Collected in Chungbuk, Korea vol.26, pp.4, 2013,
  4. Change of Pesticide Residues In Field-sprayed Young Chinese Cabbages and Young Radishes During Kimchi Preparation and Storage in Kimchi Fridge vol.18, pp.4, 2014,
  5. Pesticide residues in leafy vegetables, stalk and stem vegetables from South Korea: a long-term study on safety and health risk assessment 2015,
  6. Evaluation of Results in Pesticide Residues on Incongruity Commercial Agricultural Commodities using Network Analysis Method vol.33, pp.1, 2018,