
The contribution of Treatiseon Febrile Diseases and midcellaneous diseases(伤寒杂病论) to the theory of spleen and stomach

  • 왕수걸 (요저중의약대학부속의원) ;
  • 김효철 (원광Digital대학 의사문헌연구소)
  • Wang, Chui-Jie (Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) ;
  • Kim, Hyo-Chul (Institute of Medical History and Medical Literature, Wonkwang Digital University)
  • 투고 : 2012.10.25
  • 심사 : 2012.11.20
  • 발행 : 2013.02.25


Objective : The main topic of this study is how the contribution of Treatiseon Febrile Diseases and midcellaneous diseases written by Zhang Zhongjing(张仲景) to the theory of spleen and stomach has been. Method : Analysis of formula in Treatiseon Febrile Diseases and midcellaneous diseases with theoretical and historical perspectives is the main method of the study. Result : The theory of spleen and stomach,which is formed in the long term medical practice, is the important component theory of traditional Chinese medicine. Zhang Zhongjing made a great contribution to the theory of spleen and stomach from disease prevention, the contraindication, drug usage, aftercare and so on in Treatiseon Febrile Diseases and midcellaneous diseases, which fully shows the academic ideals of strengthening spleen and stomach. Conclusion : Helping to study Treatiseon Febrile Diseases and midcellaneous diseases and understand the thought of Zhang Zhongjing, and gives reference to the theory of spleen and stomach' research in Treatiseon Febrile Diseases and midcellaneous diseases.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국원광Digital대학


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