Influence of Shopping Orientation of Female Consumers in Their 20s and 30s on Motivation for Brand-Switching in Purchasing Cosmeceuticals -Focusing on Whitening, Sunscreen, and Anti-Aging Treatments-

기능성 화장품 쇼핑성향이 상표전환 동기에 미치는 영향

  • Kim, Myung Hee (School of Fashion & Style, Chungkang College of Cultural Industries) ;
  • Hwang, Choon Sup (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Kyung Hee University)
  • 김명희 (청강문화산업대학교 패션스쿨) ;
  • 황춘섭 (경희대학교 의상학과)
  • Received : 2012.10.31
  • Accepted : 2013.03.13
  • Published : 2013.04.30


This study obtains information required for a comprehensive understanding of the brand-switching behavior by cosmetics consumers and for the establishment of effective strategies to make customers more loyal to the company. The study examines the relationships between customer shopping orientation and brand switching motives with respect to cosmeceuticals. A descriptive survey method using a self-administered questionnaire was employed. The sample consisted of 1,258 females between the ages of 20's and 30's residing in Seoul and the Gyeonggi area who use whitening products, sunscreen, or other anti-aging cosmetics. The results showed that shopping orientation influenced brand-switching motives in regards to purchasing cosmeceuticals. The orientation of depending on information and seeking fashion trend were the major factors to induce brand-switching behavior in purchasing whitening products, sunscreen, and anti-aging treatments. However, there were differences in the type of factors of shopping orientation and in their intensity of affecting brand-switching motives depending on the specific cosmeceuticals. In particular, in the case of sunscreen, as compared to other products, the customer shopping orientation should be considered from more diverse perspectives in order to formulate effective marketing strategies related to brand switching. In light of these results, customer shopping orientation with respect to cosmeceuticals is a variable that influences the cause brand switching. Therefore, differentiated marketing strategies that reflect the different characteristics of shopping orientation according to each item of cosmeceuticals are recommended to improve the satisfaction level of the companies' target market. Current consumer needs for practical benefits and for new products should be simultaneously reflected in the plans for new product development of each type of cosmeceutical.



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