Gold Beads Implants for The Treatment of Canine Chronic Recurrent Otitis Externa

  • Sumano, Hector (Department of Physiology & Pharmacology, School of Veteinary Medicine, National Autonomous University of Mexico) ;
  • Tapia-Perez, Graciela (Department of Statistics, School of Veteinary Medicine, National Autonomous University of Mexico) ;
  • Gutierrez, Lilia (Department of Physiology & Pharmacology, School of Veteinary Medicine, National Autonomous University of Mexico)
  • Accepted : 2013.03.22
  • Published : 2013.04.30


A clinical trial was performed to assess clinical efficacy and/or reduction in relapses by gold-bead implantation into acupuncture points in dogs with canine chronic recurrent otitis externa (CCROE). Forty dog-patients randomly divided into two groups were diagnosed as suffering CCROE, having intact tympanic membranes and a history of recurrences. Treatments were: control group (CG), treated with commercially available antimicrobial otic droplets, dosed twice daily for 7 days; and experimental group (GBI- gold bead implants), treated as for CG plus the insertion of 13 gold-bead implants under light anesthesia. Overall per cent assessment of composite clinical progression and progression of individual clinical signs were recorded. Bilateral chronic external otitis was diagnosed in 60% of the cases and left or right otitis in 20% of the cases each. Logistic model for repeated measures analysis showed that GBI induced a better clinical recovery as far as lesion score of some clinical signs is concerned. The overall percent cures of each group showed statistically significant difference. A McNemar analysis revealed that higher number of relapses was observed in CG patients as compared to the GBI (P < 0.05). In particular during these days, lesion on the pinna showed in odd ratios analysis a 7:1 ratio (recurrence CG:GBI) and ear wax/pus (4:1) from D42 to D365. It is concluded that gold-bead implantation into acupuncture points improves resolution of some clinical signs and greatly reduce relapses in CCROE affected dogs after 1 year follow-up (98.75%).



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