This study was expected to yield the meaningful conclusions from the experimental group who took lessons based on inductive activities using GeoGebra at the beginning of proof learning and the comparison one who took traditional expository lessons based on deductive activities. The purpose of this study is to give some helpful suggestions for teaching proof to mathematically gifted elementary students. To attain the purpose, two research questions are established as follows. 1. Is there a significant difference in proof abilities between the experimental group who took inductive lessons using GeoGebra and comparison one who took traditional expository lessons? 2. Is there a significant difference in proof attitudes between the experimental group who took inductive lessons using GeoGebra and comparison one who took traditional expository lessons? To solve the above two research questions, they were divided into two groups, an experimental group of 10 students and a comparison group of 10 students, considering the results of gift and aptitude test, and the computer literacy among 20 elementary students that took lessons at some education institute for the gifted students located in K province after being selected in the mathematics. Special lesson based on the researcher's own lesson plan was treated to the experimental group while explanation-centered class based on the usual 8th grader's textbook was put into the comparison one. Four kinds of tests were used such as previous proof ability test, previous proof attitude test, subsequent proof ability test, and subsequent proof attitude test. One questionnaire survey was used only for experimental group. In the case of attitude toward proof test, the score of questions was calculated by 5-point Likert scale, and in the case of proof ability test was calculated by proper rating standard. The analysis of materials were performed with t-test using the SPSS V.18 statistical program. The following results have been drawn. First, experimental group who took proof lessons of inductive activities using GeoGebra as precedent activity before proving had better achievement in proof ability than the comparison group who took traditional proof lessons. Second, experimental group who took proof lessons of inductive activities using GeoGebra as precedent activity before proving had better achievement in the belief and attitude toward proof than the comparison group who took traditional proof lessons. Third, the survey about 'the effect of inductive activities using GeoGebra on the proof' shows that 100% of the students said that the activities were helpful for proof learning and that 60% of the reasons were 'because GeoGebra can help verify processes visually'. That means it gives positive effects on proof learning that students research constant character and make proposition by themselves justifying assumption and conclusion by changing figures through the function of estimation and drag in investigative software GeoGebra. In conclusion, this study may provide helpful suggestions in improving geometry education, through leading students to learn positive and active proof, connecting the learning processes such as induction based on activity using GeoGebra, simple deduction from induction(i.e. creating a proposition to distinguish between assumptions and conclusions), and formal deduction(i.e. proving).
본 연구의 목적은 GeoGebra를 활용한 귀납활동이 초등수학영재들의 증명능력 및 증명학습태도에 미치는 영향을 알아보는 것이다. 본 연구의 대상은 영재교육원에서 영재교육을 받고 있는 초등수학영재 20명(실험집단 10명, 비교집단 10명)이고, 실험집단은 GeoGebra를 활용한 귀납활동 중심의 증명 수업을 하고, 비교집단은 GeoGebra를 활용하지 않은 일반적인 증명 수업을 실시하였다. 수업 실시 후 증명능력 검사와 증명학습태도 검사를 통해 얻은 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 증명 이전의 선행활동으로서의 GeoGebra를 활용한 귀납활동으로 학습한 실험집단은 전통적인 증명 학습을 한 비교집단보다 증명능력에 있어서 더 높은 성취도를 보였다. 둘째, 증명 이전의 GeoGebra를 활용한 귀납적 활동을 통해 증명 학습을 한 실험집단은 전통적인 증명 학습을 한 비교집단보다 증명에 대한 신념 및 태도에 있어서 긍정적인 생각을 가지고 있었다. 셋째, 탐구형 소프트웨어인 GeoGebra의 측정 및 끌기 기능을 통해 학생들이 도형을 변화시켜 불변의 성질을 탐구하며 가정 및 결론을 분리하여 직접 명제를 만드는 것이 증명 학습에 긍정적 효과가 있음을 알 수 있었다.