역할스트레스와 개인 창의성 간의 관계에 대한 실증연구: 창의적 자아효능감과 자기주도성의 매개역할

An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Role Stress and Personal Creativity: The Mediating Roles of Creative Self-Efficacy and Personal Initiative

  • 허명숙 (울산대학교, 경영정보학과) ;
  • 천면중 (울산대학교, 경영정보학과)
  • 투고 : 2013.04.10
  • 심사 : 2013.06.24
  • 발행 : 2013.06.30


Personal creativity is critically important for organizations seeking to survive and thrive in today's highly turbulent business environments. Organizations must effectively identify and mobilize the creative resources of their members. When organizational members perceive a work environment that restricts or fails to encourage individual creative expression, a gap may exist between the level of individual creative potential and the actual amount of individual creativity practiced within the organization. In this situation, this paper will examine the impact of role conflict, role ambiguity, creative self-efficacy, and personal initiative on personal creativity. Creative self-efficacy is the subjective belief in one's personal ability to be creative, that is, a personal assessment of one's own creative potential. A strong internal belief in one's ability to successfully engage in creative behaviors is generally considered an important part of the creative process. Personal Initiative refers to behaviors, mainly directed toward work and organizational issues, that are characterized by the following aspects: self-starting, proactive, and persistent in overcoming barriers. Creativity-related creative self-efficacy and personal initiative are critical components to understand motivation that coordinates the relationship between perception and behavior of individual employees. Based on role theory, researchers have focused on role conflict and role ambiguity as the two key ingredients of role stress. Role ambiguity is defined as an evaluation about the lack of salient information needed to perform a role effectively. Role conflict results from two or more sets of incompatible demands involving work-related issues. Employees are usually pursued work-roles more than one in work-focused organization. Too many work-roles and perceived uncertainties at employee's work can be obstacles to personal creativity. In an analysis of results, while role conflict is not negatively related significantly to creative self-efficacy, role ambiguity is negatively related significantly to creative self-efficacy. While role conflict is significantly related to personal creativity, role ambiguity is negatively related significantly to personal creativity. Creative self-efficacy mediates the relationship among role conflict, role ambiguity, and employee creativity. Personal initiative mediates the relationship between creative self-efficacy and employee creativity. This paper shows that creative self-efficacy and personal initiative are the driving force behind personal creativity. Organizations can get some implications of creative-related role conflict and role ambiguity that employees have experienced. As a result, organizations must not only encourage creativity of employees by greater involvement but also encourage their input towards their-focused own works and tasks. And employees should be developed to pace with the organizational needs and development. Management must enable employees to think of new ideas and practices that promotes personal creativity.



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