스크린리더를 사용하는 시각장애인의 한국어 합성음 청취속도 연구

A Study of Korean TTS Listening Speed for the Blind Using a Screen Reader

  • 투고 : 2013.08.07
  • 심사 : 2013.09.27
  • 발행 : 2013.09.30


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the maximum and optimal listening speed of Korean TTS for the blind. Five blind participants took part in this study. The instruments used in this study were 17 sentence sets (2 sets for an excercise, 10 sets for a repeated test, and 5 sets for a random test), with short meaningful sentences (the same sentences for the repeated test, different sentences for the random test) with 15 differentiated speeds (Range=0.8-3.6, SD=0.2). Each participant's maximum and quickest listening speeds were calculated by objective recall accuracy (determined by the number of correctly recalled syllables/the total number of syllables in a sentence X 100) and subjective recall accuracy (recall accuracy judged by each participant's subjective evaluation). The results showed that the participants' recall accuracy had a tendency to increase as the TTS speed decreased. Participants' subjective recall accuracy was higher than objective recall accuracy in the repeated tests and vice versa in the random tests. The results also revealed that the participants' sentence familiarity had an influence on their Korean TTS listening speed.



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