The Business Ethics and Innovation Management Performance of IT Service Firm's in Korea

IT서비스 기업의 윤리 수준과 혁신 경영 성과

  • Received : 2014.07.11
  • Accepted : 2014.10.16
  • Published : 2014.12.31


This paper discussed about business ethics and innovation management performance of IT service firms in Korea. To prove empirically the research hypothesis, the statistical analysis was based on the response from the 92 IT Service firms in Korean. As analysis results, it was found that the business ethics of organizations were the effect factors of the innovation management performance. And the knowledge competency and creativity are confirmed as a mediator between the business ethics and innovation management performance. So this paper suggests that business ethics in organizations are the important factor for enhancement of IT service firm's innovation performance. Specially the mediation effects of knowledge competency and creativity variables were proved empirically for the relation between the business ethics and innovation management performance. So it is desirable that knowledge-based service firms, for example IT service firms, have to strive to upgrade their level of business ethics and to link with their creativity and knowledge competency.



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