Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association (한국의상디자인학회지)
- Volume 16 Issue 2
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- Pages.55-70
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- 2014
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- 1229-7240(pISSN)
A Study on Clothing Purchasing Behaviors and Design Preference of Summer Clothes using Cooling Textiles
냉감소재를 사용한 여름철 의류의 구매행동과 디자인 선호도 연구
- Kwon, Eun-Sun (Dept. of Fashion Design & Merchandising, Kongju National University) ;
Lee, Mi-Sook
(Dept. of Fashion Design & Merchandising, Kongju National University)
- Received : 2014.02.12
- Accepted : 2014.04.07
- Published : 2014.06.30
The purpose of this study was to investigate purchasing behaviors of summer clothes using cooling textiles and clothing design preference in summer season. The subjects were 623 married women aged from 30s to 60s. The research method was a survey and the measuring instruments consisted of purchasing behaviors of summer clothes using cooling textiles, clothing design preference in summer season, and subjects' demographics attributions. The data were analyzed by frequency analysis, multiple response analysis, cross tabs analysis, and