A Proposal on the Aviation Rules of the Military UAV in the National Airspace System

국가공역체계 내에서 군용 무인항공기 비행규칙에 관한 제언

  • 박원태 (공군 비행표준단) ;
  • 이강석 (한서대학교 대학원 항공교통학과) ;
  • 임광현 (원광대학교 정치행정언론학부)
  • Received : 2013.09.24
  • Accepted : 2014.03.19
  • Published : 2014.03.31


Military UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) operated as a RC(Remotely Control) model level within the limit of the military special use airspace until now. However, the high and medium altitude of URA(Unmanned Reconnaissance Aircraft) which the ROKAF have been trying to import recently is at the UAV level and needs the criteria for the classified airspace flights. The required flight criteria includes operator location, mission operation limit, equipment, etc., which are the principle and standard applied based on the airspace use for UAV. Also, the general flight rules, visual flight rules, instrument flight rules are required in order to have to be applied to the actual flight. Besides, an appliance regulation needs to be arranged regarding two-way communication, ATC and communication issue, airspace and area in-flight between UAS( Unmanned Aircraft System) users. An operation of the UAV in the air significantly requires the guarantee of the aircraft's capacity, and also the standardized flight criteria. A safe and smooth use is ensured only if this criteria is applied and understood by the entire airspace users. For the purpose, a standardized military UAV flight operations criteria that is to be applied for each airspace by UAV is to be prepared through analysis of the present state, a legend UAV system, and a special character analysis.



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