A Study of Expression Technique in Furniture Design using CNC Machine

CNC를 활용한 가구디자인 표현 기법 연구

  • Kim, Gun Soo (Department of Formative Design, Kongju National University) ;
  • Lee, Sang Ill (Graduate School of Formative Design, Kongju National University) ;
  • Lee, Sung Yong (Graduate School of Formative Design, Kongju National University)
  • 김건수 (공주대학교 조형디자인학부) ;
  • 이상일 (공주대학교 조형디자인학과) ;
  • 이성용 (공주대학교 조형디자인학과)
  • Received : 2013.12.14
  • Accepted : 2014.01.15
  • Published : 2014.01.25


Wood cutting utilizing CNC art in the field of furniture design industry, art, education are diverse. However, there is lack of data in the case for wood cutting, such as cutting conditions and wood cutting. So this article is to establish furniture design processing using CNC. The researchers investigated the processed products using CNC, the data of the web site and CNC relevant articles, then organized its impact on the furniture industry today. History and definition of CNC have studied for a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages. Then, the researchers analyzed the cases to investigate the wood cutting conditions, was applied to the fabrication of furniture domestic and foreign. CNC organized systematically design information through the computer So, it allowed to reduce the repetitive behavior that has to work hand in the furniture manufacture existing. CNC has made it possible to design a fine complex in furniture design industry. So it became possible to make a new representation and production of various forms. Material about CNC are mostly for milling machine and shelves for metal processing. So, the researchers investigated and precautions general content of wood cutting. The enhanced understanding to investigate an example that is applied outside the country, is used to analyze the expression various techniques CNC. It is difficult to obtain accurate data processing, it has various characteristics in the same timber, Future research is about analyzing type applications and CNC machining range at the time of processing the various wood.
