인턴십 및 현장실습을 위한 관리 시스템 모형 개발

Development of a Model for Management System in Internships or Field Training

  • 한지영 (대진대학교 공학교육혁신센터) ;
  • 방재현 (한국대학교육협의회)
  • Han, Jiyoung (Innovation Center lor Engineering Education, Daejin University) ;
  • Bang, Jae-Hyun (Korean Council for University Education)
  • 투고 : 2013.12.23
  • 심사 : 2014.05.14
  • 발행 : 2014.05.31


Since internships or field training provide students with opportunities to choose skills, business interests and aptitudes in the actual workplace, their significant role in higher education has been gradually emphasized. In particular, engineering students gain increased adaptability to the industry, enhance their research abilities and acquire field-based expertise through internships or field training. However, effective operation of such internships or field training often pose various limitations. In this regard, the development of a system to manage students properly is urgently required for the effective operation of internships or field training. Systematic management of a series of related information ranging from a survey on the demand for internships or field training, planning, development and operation of pre-training programs, student guidance through information sharing between universities and businesses, data-gathering with regard to students' difficulties and their requirements, to prospects for future employment. In line with these requirements, this study attempts to present a modeling scheme for the development of a student management system for use in internships or field training. Towards this end, a questionnaire survey is conducted with engineering professors, students and graduates, along with a review of related literature to identify the needs for system development. Based on the results, a model of the system will be proposed through expert consultation.



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