몽골 전통의료의 현황 및 역사적 발달과정

The Current Situation of Mongolian Traditional Medicine and It's Historical Development

  • 투고 : 2014.07.21
  • 심사 : 2014.08.21
  • 발행 : 2014.08.31


Objective : The aim of this study is to review the historical development and current situation of Mongolian traditional medicine. Method : Systematic literature review for books, journals, governments statistics, reports on mongolian traditional medicine was carried out. Results : The theory of Mongolian traditional medicine is influenced by the philosophy and medical theories of the ancient orient such as India, Tibet and China-theories of hot and cold, principle of yin and yang and five elements. There are very unique treatments like brain tram concussion, fermented horse milk treatment as well as moxibustion, acupuncture, and blood letting. It appears that they are very closed to nomadic life. Training program of each institutes need to be standardized. Mongolian traditional medicine had been almost destroyed by the influence of communist idea from 1930s until the end of the 1980s. Since 1990, Mongolian government put much emphasis on the development of traditional medicine. And now about 3.7% of total beds is traditional medicine one and that there are six TM schools and the total number of traditional medicine in 2012 is 1696. However, there are still the lack of manpower, facilities, standardized training program and scientific research for traditional medicine. Conclusion : Mongolian traditional medicine has been developed over centuries in response to Mongolia's unique geographical and climate conditions and the lifestyles of its people and that made contribution to the health of mongolian people. However, it needs to be strengthened because there are poor infrastructure and training program.



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