The Comparison of Muscle Activation of Waist and Lower Limb during Lifting an Object from Floor according to Foot Position in Twenties Wearing a Skirt

  • Lee, Han-Suk (Department of Physical Therapy, Eulji University) ;
  • Kim, Joon-Ho (Department of Physical Therapy, Graduate School of Eulji University) ;
  • Park, Jung-So (Department of Physical Therapy, Eulji University) ;
  • Park, Sun-Wook (Department of Physical Therapy, Eulji University)
  • Received : 2014.05.11
  • Accepted : 2014.08.04
  • Published : 2014.08.31


PURPOSE: This study was aim to the change of muscle activities of lower extremity and waist during lifting a small object on the floor according to different foot position of women in their twenties wearing a skirt. METHODS: 9 women in their twenties wearing a skirt were selected and were measured the muscle activities of medial gastrocnemius (MG), tibialis anterior (TA), vastus lateralis (VL) and iliocostalis (IC) when they lifted a small object on the floor. The two different foot position employed were "both feet posed straight side by side" (condition 1) and "both feet posed diagonally to 45 degree" (condition 2) used. The order of feet position was selected randomly and the subject took a rest for 30 min between tests to prevent muscle fatigue. We calculated the mean and standard deviation of muscle activities and used Mann-Whitney U test to compare the difference between the two foot positions with SPSS(IBM Korea) RESULTS: The muscle activity of condition 2 was greater than that of condition 1 in right side of TA, VL, and IC and left side of TA, VL, MG and IC. The right side of TA, VL and left side VL were significant difference between condition 1 and condition 2(p<.05). CONCLUSION: We suggest "both feet posed straight side by side" position is better if a woman wearing a skirt lift the small object and it will help prevent the low back and lower limb problems in the future.



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