Dysphagia Handicap Index and Swallowing Characteristics based on Laryngeal Functions in Korean Elderly

한국 정상 노인층의 삼킴장애지수와 후두 기능에 따른 삼킴 특성

  • 김근희 (대구가톨릭대학교 언어청각치료학과) ;
  • 최성희 (대구가톨릭대학교 언어청각치료학과) ;
  • 이경재 (대구가톨릭대학교 언어청각치료학과) ;
  • 최철희 (대구가톨릭대학교 언어청각치료학과)
  • Received : 2014.03.01
  • Accepted : 2014.07.06
  • Published : 2014.09.30


Larynx plays an important role in phonation and protection of the respiratory tract during swallowing. The reduced anatomical and physiological function in elevation of larynx and glottis closure can cause problems in voice and swallowing. The present study investigated the Korean version of handicap index of dysphagia in elderly Koreans. Therefore, 60 normal elderly Koreans ranged from 65 to 95 and 20 normal Korean young adults aged from 20 to 25 were participated in this study to compare total (T), physical (P), functional (F), and emotional (E) index scores between two groups as well as among sub groups (60s, 70s, 80s) in elderly. For swallowing, total and sub dysphagia handicap index (DHI) scores, voice quality during /a/phonation following swallowing (saliva and water), intensity of coughing, and L-DDK were measured. The results showed that functional (P), physical (P), emotional (E) scores as well as total (T) score were significantly different between young adults and old adults in DHI(p<.05). Additionally, there was a negative correlation between total DHI score and intensity of coughing (r=-.51) as well as L-DDK (r=-.70). These findings suggest that a slow rate in vocal fold adduction and reduced intensity of coughing in the elderly affect swallowing function. Thus, recently translated Korean version of DHI may be useful as supplement in evaluating the swallowing problems in elderly people.



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