Phonetic Realization of Aspiration of Stops in English /Cr/ and /sCr/ Clusters and their Syllable Structure at the Phonetic Level: a Comparison between Two Speaker Groups

영어의 /Cr/과 /sCr/ 자음군 내 폐쇄음의 기식성 실현과 음성 단위의 음절구조: 두 화자집단 간 비교

  • Received : 2014.08.18
  • Accepted : 2014.09.18
  • Published : 2014.09.30


This study investigates the acoustic property of aspiration realized in English voiceless stops of /Cr/ and /sCr/ clusters. VOT is measured from stops in these clusters produced by two groups; one from native speakers of English and the other from Korean native speakers. Aspiration of stops in different types of clusters is compared to various phonological factors such as location of stress, syllable type, and position in word. Pursuing the idea that phonetic realization is correlated with phonological representation, attempts are made to account for the gradient nature of aspiration of stops on the basis of syllable structure at the phonetic level, which may vary in the wake of resyllabification. Voiceless stops in /Cr/ and /sCr/ clusters are further compared to results obtained in the previous study on /sC/ cluster. Variations in aspiration are also characterized in terms of segmental precedence relation of stops in the clusters, namely, post-[s], pre-[r], or both.



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