On Lp(T2)-Convergence and Móricz

Lp(T2)-수렴성과 모리츠에 관하여

  • LEE, Jung Oh (Dept. of liberal arts, Chosun College of Science and Technology)
  • Received : 2015.10.27
  • Accepted : 2015.12.11
  • Published : 2015.12.31


This paper is concerned with the convergence of double trigonometric series and Fourier series. Since the beginning of the 20th century, many authors have studied on those series. Also, Ferenc $M{\acute{o}}ricz$ has studied the convergence of double trigonometric series and double Fourier series so far. We consider $L^p(T^2)$-convergence results focused on the Ferenc $M{\acute{o}}ricz^{\prime}s$ studies from the second half of the 20th century up to now. In section 2, we reintroduce some of Ferenc $M{\acute{o}}ricz^{\prime}s$ remarkable theorems. Also we investigate his several important results. In conclusion, we investigate his research trends and the simple minor genealogy from J. B. Joseph Fourier to Ferenc $M{\acute{o}}ricz$. In addition, we present the research minor lineage of his study on $L^p(T^2)$-convergence.



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  4. LEE Jung Oh , A brief study on Bhatia's research of $L^1$-convergence, The Korean Journal for History of Mathematics 27(1) (2014), 81-93.
  5. LEE Jung Oh, On Classical Studies for the Summability and Convergence of Double Fourier Series, The Korean Journal for History of Mathematics, 27(4) (2014), 285-297.
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