Factors Influencing Happiness Index of Nursing Students

간호대학생의 행복지수 영향요인

  • Received : 2015.08.15
  • Accepted : 2015.10.19
  • Published : 2015.12.31


Purpose: The purposes of this study were to identify the effects of social support, resilience, stress and satisfaction in major on the happiness index of nursing students. Methods: Data were collected from March 16 to April 10, 2015 through a self-report questionnaire survey. Participants were 205 students in three different nursing colleges located in Busan and Yangsan. Measured variables were social support, resilience, stress, satisfaction in major and Happiness index. Results: Social support, resilience, satisfaction in major, and personal relationships had significant positive effects on the happiness index, while stress had a negative effect on the happiness index. Explained variance for the happiness index was 46% and social support was the most significant factor in the happiness index of nursing students. Conclusion: The results from this study suggest that resilience, social support, stress, satisfaction in major, and personal relationships should be considered as the main influential factors when developing intervention strategies to increase of the happiness index of nursing students.



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