Open Market Strategy of the Business Innovation Platform for SME Informatization based on Cloud Computing

클라우드를 이용한 중소기업정보화 경영혁신플랫폼의 오픈 마켓 전략 연구

  • 한현수 (한양대학교 경영대학) ;
  • 양희동 (이화여자대학교 경영대학) ;
  • 김기호 (중소기업기술정보진흥원, 기술개발지원부)
  • Received : 2015.11.17
  • Accepted : 2015.12.21
  • Published : 2015.12.31


SMBA (Small and Medium Business Administration) and TIPA (Korea Technology and Information Promotion Agency for SMEs) have operated the Business Innovation Platform for SME Informatization based on cloud computing technology with the cooperation of seven industry cooperatives since 2013. This project will evolve into the open market platform where service providers and users voluntarily participate and transact. This research conducts the literature review about the concept of open market and the empirical analysis through survey for the software providers and the future users regarding the future operation methods. The policy about how the open market strategy for the business innovation platform needs to be designed and implemented are organized as the three differentiated government support strategies. The first is to provide free IT services including specialized core operation support S/W which is developed only for the small or home office group of firms which lack minimal informatization capability and budget. The second is to augment IT platform service through incorporating ERP supplier initiated commercial S/W sales window for those firms having medium level informatization capability. This includes to provide IT support for customization and system integration with existing government subsidized S/W. The third is to provide upgrading services of existing S/W functions to facilitate better system utilization. The results provide useful insight for government role to enhance SME competitiveness using IT.



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