국내 양돈장의 차단방역 수준에 대한 역학적 연구: 돼지생식기호흡기증후군 위험요인 분석

An Epidemiological Study on Biosecurity Practices on Commercial Pig Farms in Korea: Risk Factors for Porcine Reproductive Respiratory Syndrome Virus Infection

  • 김규욱 (강원대학교 수의과대학 및 동물의학종합연구소) ;
  • 박선일 (강원대학교 수의과대학 및 동물의학종합연구소)
  • Kim, Kyu-Wook (College of Veterinary Medicine and Institute of Veterinary Science, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Pak, Son-Il (College of Veterinary Medicine and Institute of Veterinary Science, Kangwon National University)
  • 심사 : 2015.01.20
  • 발행 : 2015.02.28


Although researches have highlighted the important role of enhanced farm biosecurity to reduce the severity and prevalence of diseases in livestock, to date there has been little study in Korea on farmers' adoption of biosecurity measures to control porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection. To mitigate the risk of PRRSV infection in pigs, the risk factors by which PRRSV is introduced in pig farms must be determined. The primary aim of this study was to investigate pig producers' perceptions about on-farm biosecurity practices. We also analyzed data obtained from a cross-sectional study on 196 farrow-to-finish farms conducted between March 2013 and February 2014 to identify risk factors for PRRSV infection at farm level. Standardized questionnaires with information about basic demographical data and management practices were collected in each farm by on-site visit of trained veterinarians. Farms were classified as negative or positive through the use of infection profiles that combined data on PCR positive pigs and serological testing including antibody titer, sero-conversion pattern at each age category, and vaccination status. Data on biosecurity practices, farm management and environmental characteristics were analyzed using multivariate ordinal logistic regression. Generally, the biosecurity level in the pig farms included in this study were insufficient to reduce/prevent the risk of PRRSV infection given the high pig density areas and the considerable extent of vehicle movement. Factors associated with PRRSV infection were those where owners used on-farm vaccination programs had a lower risk of infection (OR = 0.19, 95% CI 0.06-0.61). The results from the analysis may guide to tailor biosecurity measures in the reduction or prevention of PRRS to the specific circumstances of pig farms in different localities of the world. To the best knowledge of the authors, this is the first study to report information on the biosecurity practices currently implemented on Korean pig farms.



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