Korean Word Sense Disambiguation using Dictionary and Corpus

사전과 말뭉치를 이용한 한국어 단어 중의성 해소

  • Jeong, Hanjo (NTIS Center, Division of Advanced Information Convergence, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI)) ;
  • Park, Byeonghwa
  • 정한조 (한국과학기술정보연구원 (KISTI), 첨단정보융합본부, NTIS 센터) ;
  • 박병화 (한남대학교 경상대학 비즈니스통계학과)
  • Received : 2015.02.14
  • Accepted : 2015.03.10
  • Published : 2015.03.31


As opinion mining in big data applications has been highlighted, a lot of research on unstructured data has made. Lots of social media on the Internet generate unstructured or semi-structured data every second and they are often made by natural or human languages we use in daily life. Many words in human languages have multiple meanings or senses. In this result, it is very difficult for computers to extract useful information from these datasets. Traditional web search engines are usually based on keyword search, resulting in incorrect search results which are far from users' intentions. Even though a lot of progress in enhancing the performance of search engines has made over the last years in order to provide users with appropriate results, there is still so much to improve it. Word sense disambiguation can play a very important role in dealing with natural language processing and is considered as one of the most difficult problems in this area. Major approaches to word sense disambiguation can be classified as knowledge-base, supervised corpus-based, and unsupervised corpus-based approaches. This paper presents a method which automatically generates a corpus for word sense disambiguation by taking advantage of examples in existing dictionaries and avoids expensive sense tagging processes. It experiments the effectiveness of the method based on Naïve Bayes Model, which is one of supervised learning algorithms, by using Korean standard unabridged dictionary and Sejong Corpus. Korean standard unabridged dictionary has approximately 57,000 sentences. Sejong Corpus has about 790,000 sentences tagged with part-of-speech and senses all together. For the experiment of this study, Korean standard unabridged dictionary and Sejong Corpus were experimented as a combination and separate entities using cross validation. Only nouns, target subjects in word sense disambiguation, were selected. 93,522 word senses among 265,655 nouns and 56,914 sentences from related proverbs and examples were additionally combined in the corpus. Sejong Corpus was easily merged with Korean standard unabridged dictionary because Sejong Corpus was tagged based on sense indices defined by Korean standard unabridged dictionary. Sense vectors were formed after the merged corpus was created. Terms used in creating sense vectors were added in the named entity dictionary of Korean morphological analyzer. By using the extended named entity dictionary, term vectors were extracted from the input sentences and then term vectors for the sentences were created. Given the extracted term vector and the sense vector model made during the pre-processing stage, the sense-tagged terms were determined by the vector space model based word sense disambiguation. In addition, this study shows the effectiveness of merged corpus from examples in Korean standard unabridged dictionary and Sejong Corpus. The experiment shows the better results in precision and recall are found with the merged corpus. This study suggests it can practically enhance the performance of internet search engines and help us to understand more accurate meaning of a sentence in natural language processing pertinent to search engines, opinion mining, and text mining. Naïve Bayes classifier used in this study represents a supervised learning algorithm and uses Bayes theorem. Naïve Bayes classifier has an assumption that all senses are independent. Even though the assumption of Naïve Bayes classifier is not realistic and ignores the correlation between attributes, Naïve Bayes classifier is widely used because of its simplicity and in practice it is known to be very effective in many applications such as text classification and medical diagnosis. However, further research need to be carried out to consider all possible combinations and/or partial combinations of all senses in a sentence. Also, the effectiveness of word sense disambiguation may be improved if rhetorical structures or morphological dependencies between words are analyzed through syntactic analysis.

빅데이터 및 오피니언 마이닝 분야가 대두됨에 따라 정보 검색/추출, 특히 비정형 데이터에서의 정보 검색/추출 기술의 중요성이 나날이 부각되어지고 있다. 또한 정보 검색 분야에서는 이용자의 의도에 맞는 결과를 제공할 수 있는 검색엔진의 성능향상을 위한 다양한 연구들이 진행되고 있다. 이러한 정보 검색/추출 분야에서 자연어처리 기술은 비정형 데이터 분석/처리 분야에서 중요한 기술이고, 자연어처리에 있어서 하나의 단어가 여러개의 모호한 의미를 가질 수 있는 단어 중의성 문제는 자연어처리의 성능을 향상시키기 위해 우선적으로 해결해야하는 문제점들의 하나이다. 본 연구는 단어 중의성 해소 방법에 사용될 수 있는 말뭉치를 많은 시간과 노력이 요구되는 수동적인 방법이 아닌, 사전들의 예제를 활용하여 자동적으로 생성할 수 있는 방법을 소개한다. 즉, 기존의 수동적인 방법으로 의미 태깅된 세종말뭉치에 표준국어대사전의 예제를 자동적으로 태깅하여 결합한 말뭉치를 사용한 단어 중의성 해소 방법을 소개한다. 표준국어대사전에서 단어 중의성 해소의 주요 대상인 전체 명사 (265,655개) 중에 중의성 해소의 대상이 되는 중의어 (29,868개)의 각 센스 (93,522개)와 연관된 속담, 용례 문장 (56,914개)들을 결합 말뭉치에 추가하였다. 품사 및 센스가 같이 태깅된 세종말뭉치의 약 79만개의 문장과 표준국어대사전의 약 5.7만개의 문장을 각각 또는 병합하여 교차검증을 사용하여 실험을 진행하였다. 실험 결과는 결합 말뭉치를 사용하였을 때 정확도와 재현율에 있어서 향상된 결과가 발견되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 인터넷 검색엔진 등의 검색결과의 성능향상과 오피니언 마이닝, 텍스트 마이닝과 관련한 자연어 분석/처리에 있어서 문장의 내용을 보다 명확히 파악하는데 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 기대되어진다.



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