IT 서비스 제공자의 기술/업무 전문성이 관계품질에 미치는 영향: 전자의무기록 시스템의 사례

The effects of Technological and Business Expertise of IT Service Provider on Relationship Quality: The case of EMR system

  • 박준기 (연세대학교 IT정책전략연구소) ;
  • 이상우 ((주)인테그비전) ;
  • 신현경 ((주)메디컬그룹베스티안) ;
  • 이정우 (연세대학교 워크사이언스 연구센터)
  • 투고 : 2015.02.16
  • 심사 : 2015.03.14
  • 발행 : 2015.03.30


This study provides empirical evidence for the role of IT professional's expertise in hospital IT service encounters. It is posited here that IT professional's technological expertise and business expertise are associated with relationship quality(trust, satisfaction, commitment). Partial least square analyses are conducted, using data collected from 216 hospital workers. The results confirm that technological expertise strongly impacts on commitment and business expertise maintain a strong impact on satisfaction and trust. This study uses a cross-sectional survey as a research method. Longitudinal study seems necessary to further explore how expertise perception is actually formed between IT professionals and users in hospital service environments. The analysis also reveals that it takes time to grow relationship quality. Implications are discussed, and further studies are suggested.



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