The Effect on Intervention Program and Auditory-Perceptual Discrimination Feature of Postlingual Cochlear Implant Adults about Pathological Voice

병리적 음성에 대한 언어습득 이후 인공와우이식 성인의 청지각적 변별특성과 중재 프로그램의 효과

  • Received : 2015.04.30
  • Accepted : 2015.05.22
  • Published : 2015.06.30


In the present study, we investigated ability of recognition of auditory perception with regards to the quality of voice in postlingual CI adults and proposed a training program to improve within subject reliability. A prospective case-control study was conducted in adults with 7 postlingual deaf who received a CI surgery and 10 normal hearing controls. The pre and post test and training program included parameters of consensus auditory-perceptual evaluation of voice(CAPE-V) with pathological voice sample by using Alvin. In results of pre-post test for monitoring improvements of internal reliability for listeners via the training program, there was statistically significant difference in both test and group. There was statistically significant difference in internal reliability between pre-post test in the normal hearing group, the result was no significant in the CI group. The present study found that CI adults showed less ability in awareness of voice quality compared to normal hearing group. Also the training program improved pitch and loudness in CI adults.



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