Evaluation of Hardening Properties and Dry Shrinkage of Non-Sintered Binder Based Floor Mortar Utilizing Alpha-Hemihydrate Gypsum

알파반수석고를 활용한 비소성결합재 기반 바닥 모르타르의 경화특성 및 건조수축 평가

  • Lee, Kye-Hyouk (RDM Industrial Development Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Kim, Gyu-Yong (Dept. of Architectural Engineering, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Lee, Bo-Kyeong (Dept. of Architectural Engineering, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Kim, Rae-Hwan (Dept. of Architectural Engineering, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Shin, Kyoung-Su (Corporate research institute, Yusung-tech Co., Ltd.)
  • Received : 2015.02.26
  • Accepted : 2015.05.11
  • Published : 2015.08.20


Floor mortar experiences dry shrinkage by temperature and humidity difference of internal matrix with material type. Also, since floor mortar is influenced by environmental conditions during placing and curing period, cracks are likely to be occurred. In this study, it was evaluated the hardening and dry shrinkage properties of non-sintered binder based floor mortar utilizing alpha-hemihydrate gypsum which has expansibility in order to prevent crack of the floor mortar. It was applied to the construction site, and examined the effects of external environmental conditions on shrinkage deformation and cracking. Different types of slag accelerated initial and final setting in comparison with cement mortar and its compressive strength was satisfied standard compressive strength for floor mortar. Also shrinkage deformation behavior after the initial expansion exhibited a similar tendency with the cement mortar. From the field application result, no crack was found from slag mortar, and it is determined that the slag mortar has better dimensional stability than cement mortar caused by external environment conditions.

본 연구에서는 바닥 모르타르에 발생하는 균열을 방지하기 위해, 팽창성이 있는 재료인 알파반수석고를 활용한 비소성결합재 기반 바닥 모르타르의 경화특성 및 건조수축 특성을 평가하고, 건설현장에 적용하여 외기환경에 노출된 조건에서 바닥 모르타르의 수축변형 거동 및 균열 발생여부를 검토하였다. 그 결과, 슬래그계 바닥 모르타르의 경우 시멘트계 모르타르에 비해 초결 및 종결시간이 급격히 단축되었고 압축강도는 관련기준을 만족하는 것으로 확인되었으며, 초기에 팽창 변형 이후의 수축변형 거동은 시멘트계 모르타르와 유사한 경향을 나타내었다. 슬래그계 바닥 모르타르의 현장 적용 결과 균열이 발생하지 않았으며, 외기환경 조건에 의한 변형률의 차이가 크지 않아 시멘트계 바닥 모르타르에 비해 치수안정성이 큰 것으로 판단된다.



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