변증이론 선택을 위한 진단적 과정

Steps Of Deciding ByunZheng(辨證)

  • 투고 : 2015.08.01
  • 심사 : 2015.08.26
  • 발행 : 2015.08.31


Byunzheng(辨證), 'Identification of Patterns' implies the process of identifying the original cause from symptoms and signs. Each symptom and sign has a meaning that manifests. But in Clinic, it is difficult to recognize the main cause through symptoms and signs by itself, because the patients complaint their symptoms differently. When considering Byunzheng, not only one symptom of one cause but relationship of manifested symptoms and causes are necessary. The object of Byunzheng is to diagnose Illness and disease through symptoms and signs and to coordinate Therapeutic Methods by Byunzheng. In Byunzheng, there are patterns according to the function of Internal Organs(臟腑), the Channels, the Eight Principles, the Five Elements and etc. Process to Diagnose Byunzheng is the most important. Until present, it is not clear to conclude the Byunzheng process or criteria. In certain case of Byunzheng is recognized by doctor's intuition, but most case is needed for conscious reasoning. Therefore, in this statement, process of conclude Byunzheng is reviewed rather than describing each character of Byunzheng.



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