Custom-made Golf Insole Recommender System for Optimizing The Foot Balance During Golf Swing

  • Lee, Kyung-Keun (Dept. of e-Business, Gyeonggi College of Science and Technology)
  • Received : 2015.10.27
  • Accepted : 2015.11.14
  • Published : 2015.11.30


In this paper, we propose the method and development of custom-made golf insole recommender system to optimize the foot balance during golf swing. This system development procedures are as follows : (1) Using the measured data of the golf swing, the analysis of the individual golf hitting and balance will be done. (2) Based on the analysis results, the system will recommend the golf custom-made insole to optimize the individual balance using recommender algorithm. (3) After the golf custom-made insole is recommended, the modeling and design of the recommended insole is processed. Golf custom-made insole will be possible to reduce the excessive shaking and increase the lower-body supporting force. Therefore, we have expected that the recommended insole will improve the swing results through the optimization of golf swing balance. In the future, it is necessary to secure the higher validity and reliability through the more diverse experiments and research.



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