A Marriage Problem Using Threshold Algorithm

  • Lee, Sang-Un (Dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Gangneung-Wonju National University)
  • Received : 2015.08.07
  • Accepted : 2015.09.24
  • Published : 2015.11.30


This paper deals with a newly proposed algorithm for stable marriage problem, which I coin threshold algorithm. The proposed algorithm firstly constructs an $n{\times}n$ matrix of the sum of each sex's preference over the members of the opposite sex. It then selects the minimum value from each row and column to designate the maximum value of the selected as the sum threshold $p^*_{ij}$. It subsequently deletes the maximum preference $_{mzx}p_{ij}$ from a matrix derived from deleting $p_{ij}$ > $p^*_{ij}$, until ${\mid}c_i{\mid}=1$ or ${\mid}c_j{\mid}=1$. Finally, it undergoes an optimization process in which the sum preference is minimized. When tested on 7 stable marriage problems, the proposed algorithm has proved to improve on the existing solutions.



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