Operating Simulation of RPS using DEVS W/S in Web Service Environment

  • Received : 2016.09.30
  • Accepted : 2016.12.16
  • Published : 2016.12.31


Web system helps high-performance processing for big-data analysis and practical use to make various information using IT resources. The government have started the RPS system in 2012. The system invigorates the electricity production as using renewable energy equipment. The government operates system gathered big-data with various related information system data and the system users are distributed geographically. The companies have to fulfill the system, are available to purchase the REC to other electricity generation company sellers to procure REC for their duty volumes. The REC market operates single auction methods with users a competitive price. But the price have the large variation with various user trading strategy and sellers situations. This papler proposed RPS system modeling and simulation in web environment that is modeled in geographically distributed computing environment for web user with DEVS W/S. Web simulation system base on web service helps to analysis correlation and variables that act on trading price and volume within RPS big-data and the analysis can be forecast REC price.



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