To Analyze the Trend of Integrated Education from MST to STEAM on Mathematics Education

수학교육 관점에서 본 MST 교육에서 STEAM 교육까지 통합교육의 흐름 분석

  • Received : 2015.12.22
  • Accepted : 2016.02.19
  • Published : 2016.02.29


In this study, we investigate integrated educations as an alternative educational method. I look around the developments of the integrated educations from MST education through STEAM education, especially in mathematics education. I analyzed integrated educations such as MST, STS, STEM, STEAM educations and compare them to each other, in mathematics education. And I discuss how to apply STEAM education to Korean mathematics education. I suggest a proper integrated education, in particular, STEAM education, as one that is suitable for Korean mathematics education.



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