Using the Under Voltage Load Shedding for Stability Enhancement of Power Systems Considering Induction Motor Load

유도전동기 부하 고려 시 저전압 부하차단을 이용한 전력계통 안정도 향상 방안

  • Received : 2015.11.16
  • Accepted : 2016.02.26
  • Published : 2016.03.01


Recently, proportion of the induction motor load is gradually increased. When a contingency in the power systems, it has been discovered phenomenon that the voltage is delayed recover caused mechanical characteristics of the induction motor load. It can be a serious impact on the voltage stability of the power system considering induction motor load. The scheme to mitigate this phenomenon tripping off the motors to prevent voltage drop and delayed voltage recovery on the load demand side. Fault induced delayed voltage recovery phenomenon is caused by stalling of small induction motor load in transmission level contingencies. In this paper, fault induced delayed voltage recovery phenomenon mitigation method implementation under voltage load shedding on the korean power system considering induction motor load.



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