The Architectural Characteristics of Piazza Navona, Rome and its Ecological Function and Role in Urban Environments

로마 나보나 광장의 건축적 특성과 도시 생태적 기능 및 역할

  • Received : 2016.12.15
  • Accepted : 2016.12.26
  • Published : 2016.12.31


Purpose: A city is regarded as an organic living thing that generates, changes, and fades away in relationship with many components of city. Therefore, a city has its own identity based on its historical trace. Among these elements composing a city, it is a square that makes a city more active and dynamic. Piazza Navona in Rome, Italy has played its role as significant core in the city and has distinctive function from other squares in urban ecological environments. In this study, the distinguishing function and role of Piazza Navona will be defined. Another purpose of study is to figure out what factors of Piazza Navona attracts a lot of diverse people and activities. Method: First, general understanding of function, type, and history of piazza; Second, the historical background of Piazza Navona; Third, site analysis related to surrounding environments; Fourth, architectural characteristic of Piazza Navona in terms of plan and elevation; Fifth, comparing with other representative squares in Rome such as Piazza San Pietro, Piazza del Popolo, and Piazza del Campidoglio in aspects of urban function. Result: Piazza Navona provides both citizen and visitors with an inviting place to embrace all kinds of activities including assembly, annual festival, and daily events. Its functions in the urban environments also involve a tourist attractor as landmark, place for social and cultural interaction, market, and place for meeting and leisure. It is attributed to following factors; historical background as the city center since the first century AD; its location in the center of Rome; enough size and flexibility to accommodate many people and various events; open space enclosed by surrounding buildings; historical baroque structures and sculptures of fountains; synergy effect with commercial and other tourist attractors around Piazza Navona; and comfortable accessibility.



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